Another 101 Best of TUNNEYSIDE of Sports Columns

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Jim Tunney
130 pages

This follow-up to 101 Best of TUNNEYSIDE of Sports Columns includes another 101 newspaper columns by former NFL referee Jim Tunney that look at sports issues-good, bad, right, or wrong-and draw from them positive examples for everyday living. His insights and observations can make a difference in anyone's personal and/or professional life and help make life more fun, healthier, and more productive.

What's inside:

Chapter 1: Attitude
Chapter 2: Character
Chapter 3: Competence
Chapter 4: Courage
Chapter 5: Family
Chapter 6: Integrity
Chapter 7: Judgment
Chapter 8: Mentoring
Chapter 9: Personal Growth
Chapter 10: Success
Chapter 11: Teamwork
Chapter 12: Values

What others are saying:

Jim Tunney's book provides invaluable insights into the critical connection between sport and a values-based life. Whether you're a parent, an educator, or simply a sports fan, this book offers something for everyone. Enjoy!
-Herm Edwards