The basic objective of the Youth Football Coaches' Guide to Defensive Back Play is to demonstrate how to coach and teach the average Pop Warner or high school player some of the basic skills and techniques of football. When you watch this DVD, the viewer should listen to the coach teaching and working with the young men. All of the comments by the coaches are positive, and reflect the kind of feedback that should be given to the players so that they gain a positive feeling that they are learning and improving. Developing confidence and a sense of self-worth is especially important when teaching young people new skills. Special note should be taken of how many times the words good, nice, etc. are used as the coaches talk and interact with the players. Many of the young men in the DVD are new to football, some having never played in a real football game. You will have the advantage of seeing and hearing how the coaches correct and instruct the students as they progress through the session. Every coach will benefit by observing the teaching approach utilized by the coaches in the DVD that are the part of the Herman Edwards Football Camp series.