Chasing Mercury, Battling Hercules: Getting Fitter and Stronger With Periodization Training

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Jason Karp
61 minutes

The positive physiological adaptation to training is the result of a correctly timed alternation between stress and recovery. How that stress and recovery is applied determines the results that individuals achieve from their training efforts. Whether a person is interested in losing weight or training for a marathon, the best training programs are planned. Periodization is a proven method for structuring programs with training cycles that optimizes stress and recovery. Chasing Mercury, Battling Hercules: Getting Fitter and Stronger With Periodization Training provides an overview of the theory of periodized training, discusses the use of training cycles, and provides examples of how to properly periodize training programs.

Among the topics covered:

  • Periodization
  • Training theory
  • Research findings
  • Types of training loads
  • Building a periodized program
  • Questions and answers

Produced in cooperation with the American College of Sports Medicine.