The Art of Coaching Field Eventers

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Ralph Lindeman
66 minutes
The Art of Coaching Field Eventers looks at several of the key factors that track & Field coaches should consider when teaching and training the current generation of athletes. In that regard, the DVD details proven ways that performing the coaches can employ to explain the proper techniques involved in field events. The DVD also points out how optimal performance can be affected by selected psychological factors. In addition, the DVD reviews what steps coaches can undertake to help ensure that their athletes are in the zone when competing.

Among the topics covered:
  • What the coach needs to know about learning
  • (My) approach to teaching
  • Drills
  • Axloms on training
  • Rest
  • Phases of training
  • Practice organization
  • Managing competition
  • Psychological factors in optimal performance
  • Techniques for fostering the zone or the flow