Features presentations made by thirty-six of America's premier high school coaches covering virtually every aspect of the game, including:
- Bobby Alston
- Bob Altshuler
- Bobby Bentley
- Brian Blackmon
- Greg Botta
- Chard Carlson
- George Curry
- Scott Deuschle
- Todd Dodge
- Mike Gims
- Matt Hennesy
- Curtis Higgins
- Craig Howard
- Jeff Ketron
- Hal Lamb
- Tom Lamb
- Ken Leonard
- Derrell Mayne
- Spence McCracken
- Ivan McGlone
- Eric Meek
- Jamie Mitchell
- Tim Murphy
- Ed Nasonti
- Charlie Otlewski
- Tony Patritto
- Daryl Patton
- Tom Preaskorn
- D. W. Rutledge
- Clint Satterfield
- Steve Savarese
- David Sedmak
- Steve Specht
- Scott Tinsley
- Joey Wiles
- Rob Zvonar