Basketball Skills and Drills for Younger Players: Vol. #9-Fast Break Offense

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Bruce Brown
80 minutes

Produced in cooperation with the National Association of Basketball Coaches, Basketball Skills and Drills for Younger Players: Vol. #9?Fast Break Offense provides step-by-step instructions for developing a simplified offensive system for coaches and teams that have limited practice time. Designed for coaches of players ages 10-16, the DVD illustrates a method for combining three major areas of offense into one effective system. This systematic approach involves fast break, primary offense, and press break? all using the same reads, positioning, and spacing. Three concepts that usually require lots of separate practice time are interwoven into one easy-to-execute concept.

Among the topics covered:

  • Turnover fast break
  • 1 guard front
  • Secondary break
  • Primary break drills
  • 2 guard front
  • Advanced secondary break
  • Two transitions
  • Press offense