Basketball Skills and Drills: Perimeter Play

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Don Meyer, Jerry Krause
37 minutes

Featuring Don Meyer, one of the winningest coaches in the nation, and Jerry Krause, widely respected as one of the best teachers in the game and THE expert on basketball basics, Perimeter Play presents a detailed overview of how to make offensive moves from the perimeter while facing the basket. Appropriate for coaches and athletes at all competitive levels, the DVD explains and demonstrates the primary initial moves that a player on the perimeter can make that can lead to a scoring play.

Among the topics covered:

  • Perimeter play principles
  • Using shot and pass fakes
  • Value of patience
  • Taking the ball to the basket
  • Making quick decisions
  • Penetrating under control
  • Performing legal moves
  • Perimeter skills and techniques
  • Developmental drills