Coaching First Basemen

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George Valesente
35 minutes

Coaching First Basemen provides a detailed overview of the fundamental skills and techniques involved in becoming a sound fielding first baseman. With on-the-field demonstrations, the DVD explains and shows various drills that are designed to improve the skills necessary to play first base. The DVD covers such aspects of play as footwork, positioning, the cutoff play, making throws to second, and handling balls thrown in the dirt.

Among the topics covered:

  • Advantages of right- and left-handers
  • Feeds to the pitcher covering first base
  • Throws to second base
  • The cutoff play
  • Throwing back to first after fielding a bunt
  • Stance, footwork, and positioning at the base
  • Approaching the base on the run
  • Positioning at the base to receive various throws
  • The dirt ball
  • Fielding fly balls