Dilemmas for the Team Physician: What Would You Do...?

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Margot Putukian, Cindy J. Chang, Connie Lebrun, Katherine Dec
52 minutes

The (4) presentations from the Clinical Lecture at the 2010 ACAM annual meeting that explore a variety of the key factors involve din the return-to-play decision are contained on a single DVD. Featuring four different team physicians, each of whom looks at a different issue in the return-to-play determination, the DVD offers almost an hour of authoritative information and insights, including:

• Introduction (Margot Putukian)
• Issues to Consider in the RTP Decision (Cindy J. Chang)
• Pulmonary Contusion: Return to Play (Margot Putukian)
• Rib Stress Fracture in a Rower (Connie Lebrun)
• Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (Katherine Dec)