The Ultimate Library of Zone Offenses - Vol. 3: The Diamond Continuity Zone Offense

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John Kimble
41 minute

The Ultimate Library of Zone Offenses - Vol. 3: The Diamond Continuity Zone Offense explains why teams should employ a structured continuity offense after any play that is executed out of any sey, when that play does not produce a shot for the offense. The DVD presents a thorough overview of this particular zone offense and reviews the essential rules and the appropriate counter-options that should be implemented to further enhance the level of offensive success achieved. The DVD also discusses the overall importance to the team, as well as the all essential individual responsibilities, for players in this zone to get offensive rebounds and to fulfill their roles in defensive transition.

Among the topics covered:

  • Reasons to run: the diamond continuity zone offense
  • Split set push play
  • Reversal pass rule
  • Inside pass rule
  • Skip pass rule
  • "B"
  • "O"
  • Secondary fastbreak option