Basketball`s Multiple Match-Up Defense: Attacking the Offense With Stunts

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John Kimble
63 minutes

Basketball`s Multiple Match-Up Defense: Attacking the Offense With Stunts details the possible defensive stunts that can be integrated into the aggressive arsenal of a team`s defensive package. The stunts reviewed in the DVD exemplify and reinforce the attitude and theory that the defensive team (not the offensive team) can be the "actors," while making the opponent`s offensive team the "reactors." This approach designed to allow the defensive team to be the aggressors who attack the opposition, which forces the opposition to attempt to read and then adjust to the defensive stunt. Each stunt that is implemented can "highlight the outstanding skills of the defense" and/or "capitalize on the offensive team`s weaknesses." The DVD provides a thorough explanation of each of the proper techniques needed to execute these stunts. The DVD also explains how a unique mind-set can be instituted with this system, thereby giving the defensive team a more aggressive attitude and the confidence to be successful defensively, as well as offensively.

Among the topics covered:

  • Basic and combination stunts introduction
  • Basic stunts
  • Combination stunts
  • On-the-court demonstrations