Care of the Elite Athlete

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Leroy Sims, Martin Schwellnus, Damion A. Martins, Daniel Garza
97 minutes
Care of the Elite Athlete details a model for return-to-play decision-making in athletes which would be applicable to a variety of practice settings. The DVD also discusses the available evidence on the immunology of training athletes with regard to the treatment of acute illness. In addition, the DVD reviews the evidence supporting the utility of hyper-hydration in both the prevention of cramps and heat illness and the improvement of performance, as well as potential complications. The DVD also covers the most effective measures for the prevention of MRSA transmission and outbreaks in the athletic team setting.

Among the topics covered:

• Return-to-Play Decision Making in the Care of Elite Athletes: Where Does Your Loyalty Lie (Leroy Sims)
• Managing Acute Illness in Elite Athletes (Martin Schwellnus)
• Hyper-Hydration in the Professional Athlete: Does It Make a Different? (Damion A. Martins)
• Preventing MRSA Outbreaks: Is There a Role for Decolonization (Daniel Garza)