Coaches Guide to Winning the Mental Game

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Aaron Weintraub
197 pages

Coaches` Guide to Winning the Mental Game gives athletes of all levels an edge over their competition. This book does a wonderful job of outlining the mental skills that peak performers need to tap into their potential and achieve their greatest success. This book will forever change the way that coaches and parents work with their athletes. Coach Weintraub is a master at conveying difficult performance-enhancing messages to coaches and athletes in a simple but effective manner. His approach and passion make his book a must-read. This book is a reflection of his knowledge and understanding. Readers will greatly appreciate this resource.

  • Facing Dramatic Circumstances (Part 1)

Part 1: Preliminary Concepts

  • Control
  • Awareness
    • Exercise: The Traffic Light Analogy
    • Gathering
  • Discipline
  • Peak Performance
    • Confident, Not Cocky
    • Refined Indifference

Part 2: Attitude

  • Motivation
    • Relentlessness
    • Mission
  • Perspective
    • Worth Depends on Effort, Not Achievement
  • Respect for the Game and Intensity
    • Assume Nothing
  • Self-Talk
    • Positivism
    • Common Patterns of Poor Self-Talk
    • A