The Mental Game of Kicking

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Joe Metzka
212 pages
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Dr. Joe Metzka was a three-time NCAA All-American kicker in 1993, 1994, and 1995 and has been enshrined into the Hall of Fame at both Illinois Valley Central High School and Knox (Il.) College.

In this book, Dr. Joe shares several proven coaching points for the kicking game, along with numerous concepts from within the field of psychology, which apply specifically to kickers and punters.

In addition, there are practical ideas offered for coaches and parents, with which to enhance the performance of their specialists as well as the quality of their relationships.

Dr. Joe is available for sport psychology consulting, in particular for the kicking game.


Chapter 1: A Brief History of Kicking the Football

Chapter 2: Scoring Kicks (Field Goal, Extra Point)

Chapter 3: Coaching the Holder and Snapper

Chapter 4: Kickoffs

Chapter 5: Punting (and Punt Returns)

Chapter 6: Sport Psychology Concepts for the Kicking Game

Chapter 7: Psychological Traits and Types

Chapter 8: The Influence of Mom and Dad

Chapter 9: Putting the Mental Game All Together

Chapter 10: Summary of Dr. Joe’s Dissertation