Mental Toughness Training: Establishing Routines and Proper Perspective for the Game

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Sue Enquist
42 minutes

Mental Toughness Training: Establishing Routines and Proper Perspective for the Game offers invaluable advice and guidelines into how softball players can maximize their potential and be the best that they can be. In an easy-to-understand manner, the DVD addresses such critical player-related issues as-being self-disciplined, how to give 100%, how to establish priorities, making a commitment, and staying focused. The DVD also features an overview of how players can establish mental routines that can help them learn to control the uncontrollables.

Among the topics covered:

  • Making a commitment
  • Player commitment contract
  • Documenting success
  • Top third mentality
  • Offensive mental routines
  • Defensive mental routines
  • Maintaining presence