Nutrition for the Track & Field and Cross Country Athlete

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Will Freeman
46 minutes

Nutrition for the Track & Field and Cross Country Athlete examines the USDA food pyramid and addresses whether many aspects of it offer the most appropriate approach to achieve and maintain the desired level of health in both athletes and non-athletes alike. The DVD then details a newer approach-the Harvard Medical School food pyramid-as an alternative, healthier nutrition model. The DVD is especially useful for coaches who deal with athletes suffering from eating disorders and also offers healthy options for eating, including what to eat prior to and during competition.

Among the topics covered:

  • Problems with eating healthy
  • Faults with the USDA Pyramid
  • A healthier pyramid model (Harvard Medical School model)
  • Understanding carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
  • What to eat the day before competition, the day of competition, and after both competition and workouts
  • The critical nature of water for the athlete
  • Eating disorders: definitions, signs, and research