Injury Prevention

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Per Hölmich, Marc R. Safran, Tracy Ray, Martin P. Schwellnus, David Klossner
148 minutes
Injury Prevention features over two hours of information, ideas, and insights on preventing sports-related injuries in five key areas from five renowned and respected medical and health/wellness professionals. Among the topics covered are preventing groin injuries, preventing shoulder injuries in overhead athletes, preventing youth throwing injuries, detailing risk factors for exercise-associated muscle cramping, and exploring the issue of whether rule changes in competitive athletics would lead to fewer injuries.
Among the topics covered:
• Strategies to Prevent Groin Injuries (Per Hölmich)
• Prevention of Shoulder Injury in the Overhead Athlete (Marc R. Safran)
• Pitch Counts: How Can We Prevent Youth Throwing Injuries? (Tracy Ray)
• Risk Factors for Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps (EAMC) in Endurance Athletes (Martin Schwellnus)
• Injury Prevention NCAA Updates: Do Rule Changes Lead to Less Injuries? (David Klossner)