Developing an Offensive Game-Planning Philosophy

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Steve Canter
51 minutes

Developing an Offensive Game-Planning Philosophy presents a review of several of the key factors involved in offensive game-planning. Detailing a year-round approach to successful offensive game-planning, the DVD discusses how coaches should handle this critical issue during both the off-season and pre-season, as well as in-season. In that regard, the DVD explores what situations coaches should consider working on, what their off-season self-scout should include, what weekly cut-ups should they use in order to prepare their offensive game-plan, and what a typical weekly practice schedule might look like during the season.

Among the topics covered:

• Pre-season installation
• Practice philosophy
• In-season preparation
• Game-planning
• Group periods
• Blitz pick-up
• Screen drill
• Off-season self-scout
• Score zones
• Script evaluation