Head and Neck: Current Concepts

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Jon S. Patricios, Matthew R. Gammons, Robert G. Watkins III
84 minutes
Head and Neck: Current Concepts: provides an overview of current concepts of concussion management, including evaluation technique and management protocols. The DVD details a practical plan for the evaluation and management of concussions that can be applied to a variety of situations involving competitive athletes. The DVD also discusses absolute and relative contradictions for return to play for those athletes with spinal stenosis and/or a history of transient quadriplegia.

Among the topics covered:

• Mandela's Mantra: A South African Model for Concussion Management (Jon S. Patricios)
• Highlights From the AMSSM Position Statement on Sports-Related Concussions (Matthew R. Gammons)
• Cervical Stenosis and Transient Neuropraxia (Robert G. Watkins III)