Women`s Sprinting-Therapeutic Considerations for Speed and Power Development

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Kebba Tolbert
65 minutes

Women's Sprinting-Therapeutic Considerations for Speed and Power Development provides an overview of how speed and power can be developed in such a systematic way that athletes can be successful at their most important meet of the year. The DVD looks at the importance of speed and power development and details therapeutic concerns that can be limiting factors on such an effort. The DVD also discusses some analytic tools that coaches can use to evaluate their athletes to determine whether their athletes are ready to do their best or are being inhibited by specific therapeutic factors.

Among the topics covered:

• Neuromuscular development is a priority
• What do we evaluate?
• Foot and lower-leg issues
• Psoas
• Superficial back line
• Deep lateral rotators
• Quadratus lumborum
• Major championships
• Video analysis